Current COVID-19 vaccine studies
The UK is a leading force in the development of vaccines for COVID-19. Search our database of studies and trials currently under way.
Project summary:
The purpose of this trial is to evaluate whether a new self-amplifying ribonucleic acid (RNA) COVID-19 vaccine candidate is safe and whether it produces immune responses against the coronavirus, SARS-CoV-2.
This is a first-in-human study of a brand new technology.
One feature of self-amplifying RNA is that it can be used at low doses. It has shown great promise in pre-clinical work.
The study includes both Phase I and II, which are the early phases of clinical vaccine development. The study team progressed to Phase II after the vaccine was shown to be safe in Phase I.
COVAC1 does not have a control or placebo group; everyone receives two doses of active vaccine.
Medical Research Council, via UK Research and Innovation.