Effectiveness of covid-19 vaccines in adolescents and children

Although children and adolescents generally have a milder form of covid-19 than adults, some young people develop a severe illness leading to hospital admission or even death. Children can also develop complications, such as multisystem inflammatory syndrome in children and long covid syndrome.1 Furthermore, after the emergence of the omicron variant and the loosening of social distance measures, cases of covid-19 rose sharply among younger age groups, further disrupting schools and adding to communities’ public health burdens. Perhaps unsurprisingly, and after careful scrutiny of safety data, public health authorities in many countries approved and strongly promoted covid-19 vaccination for adolescents and, later on, children.

Author list



  1. Gonçalo Moniz Insitute, Oswaldo Cruz Foundation (Fiocruz), Salvador, Brazil
  2. Biomedical Science Institute, University of São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil
  3. London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, London, UK


Pilar T V Florentino, research fellow1,2, Thiago Cerqueira-Silva, research fellow1, Manoel Barral-Netto, professor1, Enny S Paixão, associate professor3

Novel Coronavirus SARS-CoV-2
